Title: Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels #4)
Format: paperback, 349 pages
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published: June 2010 by Ace Books
Source: Library
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Taken from back of book:
Kate Daniels works for the Order of the Knights of Merciful Aid, officially as a liaison with the mercenary guild. Unofficially, she cleans up the paranormal problems no one else wants to handle—especially if they involve Atlanta’s shapeshifting community.
When she’s called in to investigate a fight at the Steel Horse, a bar midway between the territories of the shapeshifters and the necromancers, Kate quickly discovers there’s a new player in town. One who’s been around for thousands of years—and rode to war at the side of Kate’s father.
This foe may be too much even for Kate and Curran, the Lord of the Beasts, to handle. Because this time, Kate will be taking on family…
Kate is called by the order to investigate a fight at a bar called, Steel Horse. She arrives to find a shapshifter hung to a post by a crowbar with a live magic disease. After containing it and questioning witnesses, Kate concludes that a mysterious guy in a cloak comes in and starts the fight, others join in but they are not sure why just that they suddenly became angry. The other shapeshifters who were at the bar left when the fight broke out. The mysterious guy can spread and induce disease. Kate ends up walking away from the scene on high alert due to the disease spreading Mary on the loose that could reek havoc on city and unanswered questions. She ends up with a killer poodle as evidence that may end up as her pet. As Kate continues to investigate more of the mystery starts to unfold. She once again has to work with the People, Shapshifters and Samian. Curran and Kate are at it again, but things will be resolved just not easily. We finally get to see if they will be mated (you will need that to hold onto after you read the prologue). ;) More is revealed about Kate and the magic she possess as she comes to her biggest battle yet.....family.
This is definitely the best in the series so far, you will not be disappointed. Each book in this series keeps getting better and better. You could start with this book, the author does a good job of reviewing but not over doing it. But you will lose the build up of Kate and Curran's relationship, happenings with other characters and progression in revealing Kate's magic. It took me a while to sort out this new world on Magic vs Tech and book one and two were good for that, so I could really enjoy the others. Here are the other books in this series (click to see my review):
Magic Bites, Magic Burns and Magic Strikes. I give this book 5 stars!
This book contains adult language and sexual content.